
Kendall Jenner Tit Committed

8/09/2016 Unknown 0 Comments

Commitment to Excellence was what drove the Oakland Raiders success an eon or two ago when they could claim such. The Kardashian's unwavering commitment to tits and ass and the slow motion dribble of cum has taken them from a janky lawyer's family to a full fledged empire of flesh and aborted baby wall art. Each girl has their signature. Kendall Jenner's claimed braless for herself. Not a day passes she's not out there showing off her lady nubs.

Is it working? Jenner just laid out a forty-percent cash downpayment on a $6.5 million dollar house above Sunset Boulevard so she could "chill and vibe out" with her friends. Every woman has tits. What does Kendall Jenner have that all the women taking Washingtons down their tops lack? Commitment. There's no "i" in the word whore. though there ought to be if they ever getting around to modernizing.

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